Hosting a figure skating competition takes a village of volunteers. Even the highest level competitions require volunteers to make the event work smoothly. We ask for volunteers to help with roles like:
Registration, Accounting Runners, Practice Ice Monitors, Event Monitors, Guard Runners, Music & Announcing, Officials’ and Coaches’ Hospitality, Set Up and Breakdown, Awards and Transport.
But what do those roles entail? Click to find out what they mean!
The Atlanta Figure Skating Club enjoys a strong reputation within the skating community due to our dedicated and talented pool of volunteers! As a non-profit organization, the club relies 100% on its members for its successful operation and sponsored events. Therefore, all Full skating, Bridge and Adult members are required to volunteer as requirement of membership, or to pay an up-front annual service fee in lieu of those hours.
Volunteering is a wonderful way to get involved with the club, meet new members, and learn about the beautiful sport of figure skating. The more hours contributed, the more events the club can offer our skaters, thus maximizing fun and the value of membership!