*Authorized to sign competition and performance applications
Elected; term ends June 2025
Elected; term ends June 2026
Elected; term ends June 2026
Appointed by President; term ends June 2025
Elected; term expires June 2026
Appointed; term expires June 2025
AFSC Standing Committees
AFSC has a number of Standing Committees responsible for various aspects of the Club’s operation.
The Committee Chair roles confer neither Director status nor voting rights. Thus unless a Committee Chair was already listed as a Director of AFSC above, it can be assumed that they do not have voting rights for the Atlanta Figure Skating Club.
Committee Chairs
Appointed by Board
Appointed by Board
Chaired by
Executive Membership Chair
Chaired by
Executive Test Chair
Appointed by Board
Appointed by Board
Appointed by Board
Appointed by Board
Appointed by Board