Originally adopted: April 28, 1958

Latest revision: April 2018

Section 1: Name

The organization shall be known as the Atlanta Figure Skating Club (hereinafter “AFSC”).

Section 2: Headquarters Location

The club shall have its headquarters at such a location as selected by the Board of Directors.

The purpose of the club shall be: to encourage the instruction, practice and advancement of the members in singles and pairs, ice dancing, synchronized and all types of figure skating; to encourage the instruction and training of judges and other officials in support and furtherance of recognized United States Figure Skating (hereinafter “USFS”) objectives; to encourage and cultivate a spirit of fraternal feeling among ice skaters; to sponsor, to produce, or cooperate in the production of amateur ice carnivals and shows; and generally to do and perform such other acts as may be necessary, advisable, proper or incidental in the realization of the objectives and purposes of this organization; and to carry out the general policies of USFS.

Section 1: Number of Members

There shall be a Board of Directors comprised of no more than sixteen members, ten of whom shall be elected. At least five of the ten elected members shall be active Senior Members. An active Senior Member is a member age 18 or over who has passed the USFS Preliminary or Bronze test or currently holds a USFS appointment as a judge, referee, accountant or standing committee member. Each member of the Board of Directors shall have been a member of U.S. Figure Skating for a minimum of two years and a home club member of the Atlanta FSC for a minimum of one year, and a home club member of the Atlanta FSC in good standing for the duration of his/her term.

One of these directors shall be a Coach Representative appointed by the President as provided by current USFS rules, with full voting rights.

One of these directors shall be an Athlete Representative age 16 or over, appointed by the President and, if 18 years of age or over, with full voting rights in accordance with USFS guidelines.

One of these directors shall be an Executive Membership Chair appointed by the President.

One of these directors shall be an Executive Test Chair appointed by the President, with full voting rights.

One of these directors may be an Advisor, who may be either the immediate Past President, if he or she is available and accepts the position, or another past officer, for one year following the end of the Past President’s or officer’s term.

The Board shall have one representative from each active club facility elected by the local membership.

The remaining positions, totaling no more than ten, shall be elected by the full membership.

An active club facility is any permanent ice rink at which club-sponsored events are held.

Section 2: Meetings

The Board of Directors shall meet monthly. The location of such meetings shall rotate among the active club facilities in the metro-Atlanta area. The date of such meetings shall be set by the President. Additionally, any four members of the Board may call a board meeting upon ten days written notice to all board members. The members shall be informed of the time and place of the meeting and the purpose for which it is being called.

Special Meeting for Appointment of Officers: The date of this meeting shall occur each year, prior to the Annual Meeting.

Section 3: Quorum

A simple majority of voting members of the Board shall constitute a quorum if at least one officer is present.

Section 4: Authority

The Board of Directors shall have entire authority in managing the affairs and finances of the club and shall have general control of all of its property. All rights and powers connected herein shall be vested in them.

Section 5: Rules

The Board of Directors shall make such rules as they deem necessary respecting the use of the club’s property, prescribe rules for the admission of guests, fix penalties for offenses against the rules, and may make rules for their own government and for the government of the committees appointed by them. These rules shall be included in the standing rules, a copy of which, along with the Constitution and Bylaws, shall be made available to every family.

Section 6: Audits

The Board of Directors shall audit the records of the Secretary, the Treasurer and of committees as necessary.

Section 7: Indebtedness

The Board of Directors shall have the power to limit the indebtedness of a member to the Atlanta Figure Skating Club.

Section 8: Membership

The Board of Directors shall have final authority regarding the requirements for and status of an individual’s membership in the club. Persons desiring to change their home club designation to AFSC must first secure a written statement from their current Home Club which declares that the departing member has satisfied all financial obligations to that club.

Section 9: Suspension or Expulsion

The Board of Directors shall have the power to suspend or expel any member for violations of the Constitution and Bylaws or for conduct which they deem improper, but no member shall be expelled or suspended for more than ten days without a hearing if requested by the suspended member.

Section 9: Delegates to USFS

The Board of Directors shall elect a delegate or delegates to the USFS governing council annual meeting. The club secretary shall inform the association’s secretary, in writing, of the name and address of such delegate(s). Such delegate(s) shall be the sole representative(s) between the club and the USFS and shall attend USFS meetings, either in person or by proxy. The Board may vote to pay all or part of the traveling expenses of the delegate(s) to the association’s annual meeting.

Section 11: Forfeiture of Office

Section 11-A: The office of a board member shall be vacated ipso facto if the holder:

  1. becomes bankrupt or suspends payments or compounds with creditors or makes an authorized

assignment or is declared insolvent;

  1. is convicted of a criminal offense;
  2. resigns the office by notice in writing to the club;
  3. is no longer a member of the club in good standing; or
  4. incurs three unexcused absences per year from regularly scheduled Board of Directors’ meetings.

Section 11-B: The office of a board member also shall be vacated ipso facto if the holder demonstrates difficulty following the “Board Members Creed,” the provisions of which are:

  1. to know and understand the mission of the Atlanta FSC;
  2. to support the mission and fellow board members unconditionally;
  3. to disagree respectfully and seek consensus on all issues;
  4. to check personal agendas at the door of every board meeting;
  5. to sign the board member agreement, the ethical behavior and conflict of interest forms;
  6. to abstain from voting on issues that present a conflict or even a perceived conflict of interest;
  7. to commit to all the duties of the position; and
  8. to act in good faith and in a manner consistent with the best interest of the AFSC.

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Section 1: Officers

The officers of the club shall be President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Executive Test Chair, Executive Membership Chair, and the Executive Volunteer Coordinator.

Section 1-A: No officer or member of the Board of Directors of the AFSC can be a member of the Board of Directors or an officer of another figure skating club in the State of Georgia except interclub associations.

Section 1-B: The nominees for President must have served at least one full year (July – June) on the Board of Directors of the AFSC during the three years prior to the election to the office of President. Every nominee for all other offices must have been a member of the AFSC in good standing for the entire preceding club year (July-June). Elected members must designate the Atlanta FSC as their home club for the duration of their terms.

Section 2: Duties of the President

 Section 2-A:  The President shall take charge of the club to preside at all meetings of the club and meetings of the Board of Directors. The President shall be responsible for the entire supervision and management of the club and its property pending the action of the Board of Directors; shall have the power to suspend any member for violating the bylaws or regulations of the club, pending the approval of the Board; shall call special board meetings and club meetings, and shall present motions to voting Board members for vote by e-mail. All contracts and agreements shall be approved by the Board and signed by the President.

Section 2-B: The Board shall ask the immediate past President to serve a one-year term as Advisor to the Board with full voting rights. Should the immediate Past President be unable or unwilling to serve, other past officers may be considered to fill this position.

Section 3: Duties of the First Vice-President

The First Vice-President shall assist the President in the discharge of his or her duties and in his or her absence assume his or her duties and officiate in his or her stead. The First Vice-President shall supervise and coordinate the activities of all standing committees. The First Vice-President shall serve as an AFSC Delegate to the Southern Interclub Council.

Section 4: Duties of the Second Vice-President

The Second Vice-President shall act as corresponding secretary of the club. The Second Vice-President shall also chair the Club Ice Committee and be a member of the Special Events Committee.

Section 5: Duties of the Secretary

The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the club and of the Board of Directors, and supervise all reports and documents connected with the business of the club.

Section 6: Duties of the Treasurer

The Treasurer shall have charge of the funds of the club and shall keep a record of all receipts and disbursements and shall render a written report when requested by the President or Board of Directors and at each board and general meeting. The President or the Treasurer shall sign all checks drawn on the club’s account for amounts less than or equal to $1,000. The President shall give notice in writing of such checks drawn and signed to the Treasurer within seven days. Both the President and the Treasurer shall sign all checks drawn on the club’s account for amounts greater than $2000. The Treasurer shall have financial statements and information necessary for tax returns prepared and submitted to the Board of Directors within a reasonable time following the close of the club’s fiscal year end. At the Board’s request, an outside accountant shall prepare these financial statements and tax returns. The treasurer shall perform other duties assigned by the Board of Directors that are consistent with the position’s purpose.

Section 7: Duties of the Executive Test Chair

The Executive Test Chair may be a non-elected member of the Board, appointed by the President, with full voting rights. The Executive Test Chair must meet the qualifications outlined in Article III, Section 1 of this Constitution. The Executive Test Chair shall chair the Test Committee.

Section 8: Duties of the Executive Membership Chair

The Executive Membership Chair may be a non-elected member of the Board with full voting rights appointed by the President for one year beginning April 1st of the club year and ending March 31st of the following club year. The Executive Membership Chair must meet the qualifications outlined in Article IV, Section 1 of the Constitution. The Executive Membership Chair shall  chair the Membership Committee, supervise the keeping of a roll of membership together with the dates of their election and a record of all members elected, deceased, suspended or expelled, and perform other duties assigned by the Board of Directors that are consistent with the position’s purpose.

Section 9: Nomination Committee

Section 9-A: Membership

At the January meeting, the board shall choose a nominating committee chair who will select a committee comprised of three members of the current Board of Directors and at least three additional members in good standing, such that each active club facility (see Article III, Section 1) is represented.

 Section 9-B: Duties

The Nominating Committee shall meet during the first two weeks of February to begin the process of nominating candidates for the expiring Board positions, taking into consideration nominations proposed in writing by the general membership.  No committee members, including the Chair, may be placed on the ballot. The Committee shall present a slate of candidates that will assure that the makeup of the full Board will comply with Article III, Section 1.  The Committee shall post the slate of nominees by March 15th at each active club facility.  It shall mail or e-mail ballot forms to eligible voting members no later than April 1st.  The ballet forms must be returned and postmarked or e-mailed to the Chair of the Committee no later than April 30.  The Committee shall reconvene no later than the first week of May to open and count votes.  The Chair will present results to the Board no later than the May Board meeting and will ensure that the ballots are physically and electronically stored until the annual meeting of the following year.

Section 9-C: General Membership Nominating Procedure

Nominations to be considered by the Nominating Committee may be submitted by the general membership in writing on forms provided by the AFSC. Such forms must be signed and dated by the nominator and mailed or emailed to the Nominations Committee chair by March 1 (receipt). Nominations submitted by the general membership do not guarantee inclusion on the ballot.

Section 10: Elections

Section 10-A: Officers

The President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected by the incoming Board of Directors at a special meeting to occur prior to the annual meeting at a place, date and time decided by the returning members of the Board. The President must meet the requirements of Article IV, Section 1-B. Each officer shall serve a term for one year. The officers for the ensuing year shall be announced at the annual meeting and will take office at the regular Board of Directors meeting in July.

Section 10-B: Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall be elected by written ballot of the general membership and shall serve for a term of two years beginning at the regular Board of Directors meeting in July. Five of the elected board members’ terms will expire in even-numbered years and five of the elected board members’ terms will expire in odd-numbered years.

Section 10-C: Method of Voting

Voting shall be electronic or by written ballot by eligible voting members. Eligible voting members are all members in good standing and 18 years of age or over whose home club is the Atlanta FSC. The candidates receiving the highest total votes cast shall be elected subject to the restrictions of Article III, Section 1. A quorum, as defined in Article VII, Section 3 shall be necessary for the election to be valid.

Section 11: Provisions for Replacing a Board Member

If a board vacancy occurs, the President will appoint, with the approval of the Board, a club member in good standing and qualified under Article III, Section 1 to serve the remaining term. If a vacancy occurs in the Presidency, the First Vice-President shall automatically assume the Presidency. If a vacancy occurs in any other office of the club, excluding nonelected directors, the Board of Directors shall elect a replacement from the remaining members of the Board.

Section 1: Names

The Standing committees shall be: (1) Membership, (2) Procedures Review, (3) Club Ice, (4) Special Events, (5) Tests, (6) Competitions, (7) Communication, and such other committees as the Board of Directors may deem necessary. Committee Chairs, with the exception of the Test and Membership Chairs, shall be appointed by the Board of Directors at their first regular meeting after the annual elections. Committee Chairs will appoint their respective committee members and report their names to the board.

Section 2: Membership Committee

The Membership Committee shall have three or more members. They shall investigate and pass upon the qualifications of all candidates for membership and report their conclusions to the Board of Directors. They shall welcome visitors to the club session and shall invite good prospects to apply for membership. The Membership Committee shall maintain a current roster of members that includes names, addresses, phone numbers, date of admittance to club and such other information as required by the Board. The committee shall notify the Board of club members that become eligible for Life Membership as defined in Article VI, Section 1. The committee shall perform other duties assigned by the Board that are consistent with the committee’s purpose.

Section 3: Procedures Review Committee

The Procedures Review Committee shall have three or more members, one of whom shall be a member of the Board. They shall review the by-laws and rules annually and suggest changes that they consider necessary, change the by-laws and rules as the Board decides, prepare changed by-laws for submission to the membership for its approval at the annual meeting, ensure that club procedures follow the by-laws and rules and perform other duties assigned by the Board that are consistent with the committee’s purpose.

Section 4: Club Ice Committee

 The Club Ice Committee shall have three or more members including the Second Vice-President, who shall also serve as chair. They shall make rules and regulations for the conduct of the club members during the regular skating sessions and divide the ice into sessions corresponding to the requirements of the club. These rules and regulations shall be approved by the Board of Directors and then posted on the club bulletin board. The committee shall perform other duties assigned by the Board that are consistent with the committee’s purpose.

 Section 5: Special Events Committee

The Special Events Committee shall have three or more members, one of whom shall be the club ice chair. They shall plan and organize club events including, but not limited to, the Regionals send-off party and the awards banquet, plan events for membership drives, and other duties assigned by the Board that are consistent with the committee’s purpose.  The committee must present each plan to the Board for its approval. The committee shall designate one of its members to be the liaison between the committee and the rink facility.

Section 6: Tests Committee

The Tests Committee shall have three or more members who shall have complete charge of giving all U.S. Figure Skating tests, of setting dates and obtaining approved U.S. Figure Skating judges for the tests. The committee shall have the responsibility of determining the eligibility requirements of all participants in such tests. The committee shall operate within the Test Rules as prescribed by the current Official U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook. The committee shall perform other duties assigned by the Board that are consistent with the committee’s purpose.

Section 7: Competitions Committee

The Competitions Committee shall have three or more members who shall have complete charge of all club and interclub competitions. The committee shall have the responsibility of determining the eligibility requirements of all participants in such competitions. The committee shall operate within the Competition rules as prescribed by the current Official U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook. The committee shall perform other duties assigned by the Board that are consistent with the committee’s purpose.

Section 8: Communication Committee

The Communication Committee shall have three or more members, at least one of whom shall be a member of the Board.  They shall introduce and promote the club to the public, distribute information to club members and the public through any form of communication (including, but not limited to, web sites, bulletin boards, newspapers and magazines), maintain the history of the club during each membership year, create and maintain signage for competitions and events and perform other duties assigned by the Board that are consistent with the committee’s purpose.

Section 9: Board Meetings

The Chairs of the standing committees, if not already board members, may be requested by the President to attend any meetings of the Board of Directors. They may enter into and take part in all discussions, but may not vote. Any member in good standing of the Atlanta Figure Skating Club may attend meetings of the Board of Directors.

Section 1: Classes of Membership

The Board of Directors shall determine the membership structure annually with the appropriate dues set according to available ice time. The classes of membership shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

* Skating Membership, as set forth annually on the membership application.

* Non-Skating Membership: For a reduced fee, persons, excluding associate members, may join the club and

are eligible to vote and participate in all non-skating activities of the club.

* Life Membership: Persons who have been members of the club for twenty consecutive years are eligible for Life

Membership in the club. Life members are honored at the club banquet during their 20th year of membership.

They are entitled to all membership privileges and are not required to pay any club membership dues. To be

included in the club roll, the life member shall complete a membership application form each membership year

(July 1 – June 30). Effective with the 2014-2015 season, Life membership in the Atlanta FSC excludes

membership in U.S. Figure Skating for new 20-year members.

Section 2: Application for Membership

Application for membership shall be provided by the Membership Committee, completed by the candidate and processed annually. All applications must be given to the Membership Committee who, in turn, will make their report to the Board of Directors. Ineligible persons, as defined by current U.S. Figure Skating Eligibility Rules, may be members and, in accordance with current U.S. Figure Skating Membership Rules, may be directors. A member in good standing shall be one who has paid all required dues.

Participation in Atlanta FSC activities, events, and programs is limited to Atlanta FSC members who have designated the Atlanta FSC as their home club, except for dance and pairs teams, one of whom has designated the Atlanta FSC as his/her home club.

Section 3: Arrears for Dues

The Treasurer shall notify by mail any member in arrears for dues or in other indebtedness to the club at such member’s last known address and the Treasurer shall report the name to the Board at their next meeting. The Board may drop from the roll any delinquent member. A member dropped from the roll for nonpayment of dues or other indebtedness may, upon payment of same at the discretion of the Board, be reinstated to full membership.

Section 4: Arrears for Dues Restrictions

No member in arrears for dues, or other indebtedness, shall be eligible to hold office, to vote, or to enter in any club tests, competitions or shows.

Section 5: Resignation

Any member not in arrears for dues, or any other indebtedness, may tender a written resignation of his or her membership to the secretary, who shall report the same to the Board of Directors at their next meeting for action.

Section 6: Responsibility for Guests

Members shall be responsible for the conduct and indebtedness of all persons admitted to the club’s ice sessions or functions at their request.

Section 7: Board Approval for Competition, Test or Exhibition

No member of the club shall make entry in the name of the club in any competition, test or exhibition except with the written approval of a member of the Board of Directors so designated by the Board of Directors to approve such application for entry.

Section 1: Time

There shall be an annual meeting of the club membership no later than June 30 for presentation of the Annual Report, the introduction of the incoming Board and Officers, and to impart any pertinent information.


Section 2: Special Meetings

The Secretary shall call special meetings at the request of the President or upon written request of five club members in good standing.

Section 3: Quorum

A number equaling 33 percent of the voting membership in good standing including proxy ballots, if applicable, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Section 4: Notices

Notices of regular and special meetings shall be posted by the Secretary at least five days prior to the date of the meeting.

Section 5: Special Meeting Limitation

No business shall be transacted at the special meeting except that of which notice was given.

Section 1: Additional Disciplinary Actions

In addition to the disciplinary procedures instituted for the arrears for dues as previously explained, the following situations will be referred automatically to the Board of Directors for disciplinary action:

  1. Participation in a non-sanctioned skating activity.
  2. Unsportsmanlike conduct
  3. Direct disregard for the Code of Ethics to which all club members are expected to adhere, as described in

U.S. Figure Skating General Rules.

Section 2: Disciplinary Guidelines

In addition, the following disciplinary guidelines will be adhered to:

Any member of the club having a complaint against another member for the infraction of any law or rule, other than skating rules, as for conduct injurious to the welfare of the club, may report the same in writing to the Board of Directors. Such complaint shall set forth the facts of the case, together with the names of witnesses, if any. After receiving such complaint, a meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held as soon as practicable to investigate same. The complainant and the member complained of shall receive at least seven days notice of such meeting and may be heard with their witnesses. The statements and evidence shall be reduced to writing by the Secretary who shall mail copies to the complainant and the member complained of, with a copy of the decision of the Board. An appeal from the decision of the Board of Directors may be taken to the club within seven days thereafter by service on the Secretary of a written notice of such appeal. Thereupon, a special meeting shall be called for consideration of the case, and two-thirds vote of those present constituting a minimum of at least a quorum of the club shall be required to reverse the decision of the Board of Directors.

Dues and skating fees shall be fixed from time to time by the Board of Directors and shall be payable through the online membership program at the time of application/renewal. Prospective members and guests who have submitted liability release forms may skate at the club ice sessions as provided in the club ice rules, which may state a fee for this privilege.

Section 1: Order of Business

 At stated and special meetings, the following order of business shall be observed:

  1. Roll call (a counting of voting members present for quorum determination.)
  2. Reading of minutes of previous meeting.
  3. Report of Officers.
  4. Report of Committees.
  5. Elections of Directors.
  6. Unfinished (old) business
  7. New business
  8. Adjournment

Section 2: Rules of Order

Section 2-A: Order of Motions

When a question is before the meeting, no motion shall be entertained except:

  1. To adjourn
  2. To lay on the table
  3. The previous question
  4. To postpone
  5. To commit
  6. To amend

Which several motions shall have precedence in the order above given, and the first three shall be decided without debate.

Section 2-B: Voting

Voting shall be by written ballot. If any doubt arises as to a member’s standing and eligibility to vote, the Secretary may be called upon by the President to confirm said eligibility.

Section2-C: Motion To Reconsider

A motion to reconsider must be made by a member who voted with the majority, and at the same or succeeding minute.

Section 2-D: Majority Vote

Except as provided in Article IV, Section 10-C, all questions shall be determined by a majority vote. The President shall have the deciding vote in case of a tie.

Section 2-E: Robert’s Rules of Order

All questions of parliamentary practice not herein provided for shall be determined in accordance with “Robert’s Rules of Order.”

Section 3: E-mail Voting by Members of the Board of Directors Between Board Meetings.

When time is of the essence, the President may conduct a vote on club business by e-mail.  The Chair of the Vote shall be either the President or an officer of the club appointed by the President.  The Chair of the Vote shall distribute to all eligible voting board members by e-mail the proposed motion and relevant materials. Only eligible voting board members shall participate in any discussion of the proposed motion. A motion decided by e-mail must be approved or disapproved by a two-thirds majority of the voting board members. The Chair of the Vote shall contact personally any eligible voting board member who has not cast a vote within a reasonable time as the Chair determines. Votes are final when cast. The Chair of the Vote shall e-mail the results to the voting board members as soon as possible.  At the next board meeting, the Chair of the Vote shall present the result, a summary of the e-mail discussion, and a list showing the members who voted and how each voted to the club secretary for inclusion in the minutes of this meeting.


Amendments to the Constitution may be voted on at the annual or special meetings of the club. The general character of the proposed amendments rather than their exact wording shall be put in the call of the meeting. A two-thirds vote of at least 10% of all voting members shall be necessary to pass any amendment. Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws may be proposed by the Board of Directors or by at least five voting members. Proposed amendments shall be presented to the Board of Directors no less than 60 days prior to the call of the annual or special meeting in accordance with Article VII, Section 2. Proposed amendments shall be posted or emailed no less than 30 days prior to the call of the annual or special meeting.