That’s All, Folks!
Congratulations to all our competitors on an excellent competition. Wherever you placed in your events, what matters most is that you got out there and skated, and we’re so delighted that you chose to come to the Magnolia Open.
Once again, a huge thank you to all of our volunteers for all the hours that they gave to help the competition run, whether working the registration desk, chaperoning skaters, serving refreshments, cleaning benches, running papers around, or more; it’s all very much appreciated.
Another big thank you goes to the Operations team at The Cooler for their work running cabling, building platforms, and generally making the environment ready for us.
Finally, to the LOC Chairs and all the other helpers who coordinated everything that culminated in this week’s competition, you’re amazing!
All Results Have Been Posted!
Thanks for sticking with us as we try out posting results in an entirely new way. We tripped over a few technical issues along the way, but we hope you’ve found it easy to access your results.
Saturday Results Are All Posted!
What a great day’s competition. We’ll see you again tomorrow for the last day of the Magnolia Open 2021.