This year’s theme will be “at the movies”!  We hope you will join us!  Every year, our skaters have so much fun showing off their amazing talent to family and friends and feel sad that it’s over until the following year.  So, don’t delay and let’s get going to the movies!

Our tentative practice start date is Friday, February 7, 2025.  Stay tuned for more information.

The Atlanta FSC is looking forward to this exciting opportunity for all of our skaters to best showcase their phenomenal talents. Skaters will all be cast into roles with a group number.  Skaters may be asked to be featured in a small group, trio, duet or solo. We will use skater accomplishments this past year to cast skaters. Some of the things we will be looking at are skaters who represented the Atlanta FSC at Sectionals, Excel Final, Gold Medalists, NQS Participants, Adults, Showcase.  Skaters will be grouped together with similar skills and ages and free skate tests passed or levels they have competed at. We have a large graduating senior class this year and would like to include a senior number for all of your 2025 high school graduates.  Please email if you are a graduating senior!


Early Bird – January 24th………….$130

January 25 – January 31…………..$140

After January 31st……………………$150