From the 2023-2024 USFSA Rulebook:

    1. Qualification to Apply for Test Credit from IJS Protocol
    2. In lieu of taking a singles, pair, partnered free dance or solo free dance test at the bronze, pre-silver, silver, pre-gold or gold levels, or an adult silver through adult senior singles test, at a test session, candidates may elect to submit their protocol from a U.S. Figure Skating sanctioned nonqualifying competition conducted under the IJS, where they have met the minimum passing scores as defined in rule 4202. Skaters must have met the prerequisites for the test by the date of the competition and must have competed in the applicable event at the level they are wishing to pass (i.e. any skater who wishes to pass the bronze singles test at a competition must compete and earn the minimum passing scores in a juvenile/ open juvenile free skate event).A. The protocol will be verified by the IJS Companion program and, for skaters meeting the minimum requirements for that respective level, an individual test credit skater report will be generated. Skaters must obtain this report together with their individual detailed protocol.B. Candidates must also obtain an overall copy of the appropriate event segment results with the signature of the event referee and technical controller. The candidate’s total score must match the scores on their individual protocol.C. Candidates must submit A and B to the test chair or duly authorized representative of their home club, along with a statement from their coach verifying that the results are correct and unaltered. Individual members may submit the documents directly to U.S. Figure Skating headquarters.

      D. EFFECTIVE THROUGH OCT. 31, 2023: Candidates have one year from the time they achieved the requirements at a competition to submit their documents for test credit; however, skaters who register for an adult sectional qualifying event (rule 2401) forgo the option to submit an IJS protocol at a higher level that is dated prior to the end date of the last qualifying competition in which the skater participates within that season, depending on skater advancement. For example, if a skater registers to compete in championship masters intermediate-novice and qualifies to compete at the U.S. Adult Figure Skating Championships, that skater cannot submit an IJS protocol for pre-gold singles test credit that is dated prior to the date of their championship masters intermediate-novice free skate event at the U.S. Adult Figure Skating Championships. See also rules 2422 and 2543.

      D. EFFECTIVE BEGINNING NOV. 1, 2023: Candidates have 14 days from the time they achieved the requirements at a competition to submit their documents for test credit; however, skaters who register for an adult sectional qualifying event (rule 2401) forgo the option to submit an IJS protocol at a higher level that is dated prior to the end date of the last qualifying competition in which the skater participates within that season, depending on skater advancement. For example, if a skater registers to compete in championship masters intermediate-novice and qualifies to compete at the U.S. Adult Figure Skating Championships, that skater cannot submit an IJS protocol for pre-gold singles test credit that is dated prior to the date of their championship masters intermediate-novice free skate event at the U.S. Adult Figure Skating Championships. See also rules 2422 and 2543. The home club test chair does not need to process the test credit paperwork within 15 days of the competition in which the requirements were achieved but must process the paperwork within 30 days of paperwork receipt.

Please see the USFSA Rule Book for full details including required scores and fall counts.